Part of How the Law Treats Hate: Antisemitism and Anti-Discrimination Reconsidered, a conference presented in partnership with the UVA Jewish Studies Program and the UVA Karsh Center for Law and Democracy
Jews face antisemitism both as individuals and as members of a group. Should we seek to build affirmative legal frameworks to protect their group-based identities? Or focus instead on preventing discrimination and harm to individuals? Can the two approaches even be separated? David Luban and Nomi Stolzenberg offer critical perspectives drawing on American constitutional and international law.
(Above: AP Photo/Jean-Francois Badias)
David Luban, Georgetown University
David Luban is University Professor and Professor of Law and Philosophy at Georgetown University. Since 2013 he has also served as Class of 1984 Distinguished Chair in Ethics at the U.S. Naval Academy’s Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership. His books include Legal Ethics and Human Dignity (2007) and Torture, Power, and Law (2014). He will be Visiting Professor of Law at the UVA Law School in the Spring of 2021.
Nomi Stolzenberg, University of Southern California School of Law
Nomi Stolzenberg is Nathan and Lilly Shapell Chair in Law at the University of Southern California School of Law. Her research interests include the philosophical dimensions of American law and liberalism, with a focus on the intersection of race and religion in American jurisprudence. Her publications include “He Drew a Circle that Shut Me Out”: Assimilation, Indoctrination, and the Paradox of a Liberal Education (Harvard Law Review, 1993), Righting the Relationship Between Race and Religion in Law (Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 2011), and the forthcoming book American Shtetl: Kiryas Joel Through the Lens of Jewish History and American Law.
Chair: William Forbath, University of Texas, Austin School of Law
William Forbath is Lloyd M. Bentsen Chair in Law and Associate Dean for Research at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law. His books include Law and the Shaping of the American Labor Movement (1991) and forthcoming The Anti-Oligarchy Constitution. He is currently at work on a book about American Jewish lawyers and civil rights law in the early twentieth century.
Conference Schedule
12:15–1:30 PM EST
How Do We Define Anti-Jewish Discrimination? The Puzzle of Antisemitism
2–3 PM EST
How Can Law Protect Groups? American and International Perspectives
3:30–4:30 PM EST
Can We Move Beyond Race and Religion? Jewish Identity & American Civil Rights Law
4:45–5:30 PM EST
Closing Conversation: Dahlia Lithwick and Micah Schwartzman
Each conference session requires a unique registration—attendees cannot register for the entire conference using a single link. Review the above conference schedule and click on session titles to register and learn more about the speakers. All sessions will be hosted as Zoom webinars.
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