A two-day event to commemorate 50 years of James Cone’s groundbreaking book, Black Theology & Black Power, organized by Faculty Lab Partner, Claudrena N. Harold.
Friday, March 29
9–9:15 am: Welcome & Coffee
9:15–10:45 am: Black Liberation Theology: Its Past and Futures
Featured speakers:
- Corey Walker (University of Richmond)
- Tshepo Chéry (University of Texas at Austin)
- Paul Jones (University of Virginia)
10:45 am–12:15 pm: The Spirituals and the Blues
Featured speakers:
- Bonnie Gordon (University of Virginia)
- Mark Burford (Reed College)
- Kevin Gaines (University of Virginia)
12:15–12:45 pm: Lunch (provided for all registered guests)
12:45–2 pm: Keynote by Josef Sorett (Columbia University)
Saturday, March 30
9–9:30 am: Welcome & Coffee
9:30–10:45 am: Black Religion, Black Culture, and the Fragility of the Archives
Featured speakers:
- Suzanne Smith (George Mason University)
- Rob Sevier (The Numero Group)
- Kevin Everson (University of Virginia)
11 am–12:10 pm: Geographies of Race and Religion
- Todne Thomas (Harvard Divinity School)
- Sabrina Pendergrass (University of Virginia)
12:15–12:40 pm: Lunch (provided for all registered guests)
12:45–2 pm: A Blues for Aretha
Featured speakers:
- Ashon Crawley (University of Virginia)
- Maurice Wallace (Rutgers University)
- Claudrena Harold (University of Virginia)