April 22, 2021
Sacred & Profane Season 3 Trailer
A preview of what's ahead in the next season of our podcast, Sacred & Profane.
April 21, 2021
Indigenous Filmmakers in Conversation
A conversation with filmmakers, Ángeles Cruz and Federico Cuatlacuatl.
April 12, 2021
Panel on “White Evangelical Racism: The Politics of Morality in America”
The American political scene today is poisonously divided. Why do a vast majority of white evangelicals play a powerful role in the disunion?
March 25, 2021
Scholars & Journalists on Race and Religion in China
A panel discussion on the variety and vitality of lives in China, where religion is often tightly controlled.
March 15, 2021
Call for Student Research Proposals: Due May 3
What's your story? Join the Lab's cohort of student research collaborators and delve into the world of multi-media production to explore religion, race, and global democracy.
March 11, 2021
Film & Panel on Environment, Race, Politics, and Religion
A film screening and conversation exploring the relationship between religious polarization, political propaganda, corporate deal-making, and environmental injustice.
March 8, 2021
Artist Talk on Black Sacred Song
The sounds of gospel swell through the films of Micah Ariel Watson (UVA '18). Revisit this Black History Month screening event, with the filmmaker and UVA's Ashon Crawley in a post-screening conversation.
February 18, 2021
Panel on the Spirituality of Hong Kong Protests
A panel discussion on how religion and protest are playing an important role in the ever-shifting political landscape in Hong Kong.
February 4, 2021
God $ Green on Vote Common Good
Why did so many faith leaders turn away from supporting the environment?
February 2, 2021
What Can Big Tobacco and Big Oil Teach Climate Activists?
Sarah Milov spoke with about Big Oil and Big Tobacco, the innovations and flaws of nonsmokers’ protest methods, and the unique challenges facing climate activists.
October 26, 2020
God $ Green: An Unholy Alliance Premieres at VAFF
The Religion, Race & Democracy Lab and Butlerfilms presented their new documentary, God $ Green: An Unholy Alliance at the 2020 Virginia Film Festival.