Season 4 / E10
How can religion offer us a different way to think about our climate future?
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Season 3 / E6
A new kind of public memory is emerging in Charlottesville's Court Square.
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God’s Economics, Not Reaganomics: The Detroit Mix
The art of bringing people together through music and faith at a time when the media declared Detroit a "dead" city
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New Kid: The Integration of Woodberry Forest School
How democratic decisions can fail to reach the smaller corners of the nation
How Lyric Moves and Morphs: Qawwali Music in Pakistan
The significance of Qawwali in the everyday life of a Pakistani
The Divine Feminine in Hindu Ecology
How cultural context can lead to a more thorough understanding of the ecofeminist movement in South Asia

We're living in an era where robots are increasingly common. So maybe it shouldn't be a surprise that robots are finding a home in religious practices.
Fresh Beats from Snoop to Euripides
What is it about music that’s so political? And what kinds of social and political change are new genres capable of?
How graffiti and collective action transformed the meaning of a statue, and reframed our relationship to past and present
Invisible War: Faith in Liberia and the Fight Against Ebola
The stories of six Liberian individuals who lived through the West African Ebola Outbreak
New Kid: The Integration of Woodberry Forest School
How democratic decisions can fail to reach the smaller corners of the nation
How Lyric Moves and Morphs: Qawwali Music in Pakistan
The significance of Qawwali in the everyday life of a Pakistani
The Divine Feminine in Hindu Ecology
How cultural context can lead to a more thorough understanding of the ecofeminist movement in South Asia
Fresh Beats from Snoop to Euripides
What is it about music that’s so political? And what kinds of social and political change are new genres capable of?
Invisible War: Faith in Liberia and the Fight Against Ebola
The stories of six Liberian individuals who lived through the West African Ebola Outbreak

Season 2 / E12
Render Unto Q
The assault on the U.S. Capitol is the biggest story about religion, race, and democracy in 2021.

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Potential StudentsDemocracy Initiative
The University of Virginia’s Democracy Initiative aspires to excellence in integrated research, teaching, and public engagement on democracy at a global scale—bringing together a diverse range of scholars, government leaders, and practitioners to study and advance the prospects of democracy around the world.
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